Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Anniversaries to travel for in 2015 - Perth Now

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Anniversaries to travel for in 2015 - Perth Now

Perth Now

Anniversaries to travel for in 2015
Perth Now
From its construction in AD 537 until the Ottoman conquest of Byzantium in 1453, Aya Sofya had been a cathedral and centre of Greek Orthodox Christianity. It was then a mosque for the next four and a half centuries before opening as, arguably, the ...

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kim Kardashian's Florence wedding suite among the 25 best hotels in Europe - Daily Mail

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Kim Kardashian's Florence wedding suite among the 25 best hotels in Europe - Daily Mail

Kim Kardashian's Florence wedding suite among the 25 best hotels in Europe
Daily Mail
Four Seasons hotels dominate, commanding the top four positions with their properties in Budapest, Istanbul, Florence and Paris, and an additional three hotels elsewhere in the round-up. The list, compiled by Business Insider, rounds up the top 25 (and ...

Kocaeli -- fab day out in name of Hungarian-Turkish friendship - Today's Zaman

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Kocaeli -- fab day out in name of Hungarian-Turkish friendship - Today's Zaman

Kocaeli -- fab day out in name of Hungarian-Turkish friendship
Today's Zaman
It is fabulous time travel, so to speak. There is no better way to learn more about ... And now my understanding of Thököly changed and I began to realize why one or two losses on the battlefield never outweighed the principal adoration the Hungarian ...

Monday, October 20, 2014

An independent Kurdistan? Be careful what you wish for - Al-Arabiya

travel ottoman istanbul - Google News

An independent Kurdistan? Be careful what you wish for - Al-Arabiya

An independent Kurdistan? Be careful what you wish for
After breaking away from the Ottoman Empire, the Arab states had no expertise in warfare, no settled armies, no ideological ground for statehood and no institutions in place. Therefore, all easily became colonies of the Western powers. The same fate ...